Poult Start Impacts Livability

Poult Start Impacts Livability

Early Poult Mortality

Poult Start reduces early poult mortality, which has been recognized as a common problem within the turkey industry for many years. There are many factors that impact a poult’s opportunity for survivability once it is placed in the brooder house. These factors include presence of infectious agents, length of time transpiring between hatch and brooder placement, stresses incurred during processing at the hatchery, breeder hen age, brooder house environmental conditions and diet composition.  

Upon arrival at the brooder house, it is critical that poults quickly begin consuming water and feed. Typically, they will arrive within 72 hours after hatching. The key points to consider include the following:
  • A large portion of the total poult mortality for the growing period occurs at 3-5 days following placement into the brooder house and has been observed to be due to two basic reasons:
o A dehydration problem during the 3rd and 4th day post-hatching.
o A starvation problem during the 5th and 7th day of age.
  • Poults may arrive at the brooder dehydrated due to a low moisture level in the hatcher or from being kept in the hatcher for too long a period of time. [Water constitutes about 80% of the hatchling’s body composition.]
  • Some poults fail to learn to eat and drink.
  • After a poult has been off-feed for 48 hours, starvation progresses leading to mortality.
  • At hatching the poult has a body composition of nearly 25-30% lipid (dry matter basis). It is in a gluconeogenic state (deriving energy from body reserves) until it can consume utilizable nutrients in the starter diet.
o The diet needs to provide a readily available source of carbohydrate. Unsaturated fatty acids can be utilized during this metabolic shift.
o Glucose is negative to poult survival. If provided as part of an electrolyte package, it shuts down the normal gluconeogenesis metabolism. The poult is actually worse off, and this contributes to poult mortality.
in-VIGOR-ate® is specifically formulated to encourage water and feed intake, provide electrolytes that promote hydration, and provide B vitamins that support gluconeogenic metabolism. Acidification inhibits colonization of pathogenic bacteria in the gut while promoting an environment favoring the growth of lactic acid producing bacteria. The direct-fed microbials provided (Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium longum) “inoculate” the gut to promote rapid development of the desired microflora balance.

in-VIGOR-ate® Is recommended for use during the first two weeks post-placement in the brooder house to prevent early chick mortality. It has been consistently reported to promote chick vigor and livability.  

Prevent early poult mortality...
in-VIGOR-ate® them!

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