Water – Key Nutrient

Water – Key Nutrient for Successful Game Bird Production

Water is the single most important nutrient provided – particularly during brooding. So naturally, a daily clean, fresh water supply is important.  

Water consumption is vital during the first 4 hours after placement in the brooder. Most chicks that die throughout the first week do so because they fail to learn to drink during these initial hours. Mortalities occurring on days 3 and 4 are primarily due to dehydration.

A research team at the University of Arkansas reviewed the mortality patterns of 38 consecutive broiler flocks raised in 4 houses over 7 years. Management practices were the same in all houses. The average mortality pattern for this study period is shown in Figure 1.
Mortality Pattern

Figure 1. Average mortality for straight run broiler flocks

Note peak mortalities occurred at days 3 to 4. Therefore, it is imperative to provide plenty of drinking space. Recommendations typically call for 2 or 3 one-gallon plastic waterers per 50 to 100 chicks. While it may seem crowded within the chick guard area, we want the chicks to trip over the waterers in order to find water.

It is critical that the chicks readily consume drinking water. Water intake not only is important for rehydration but it stimulates feed intake. Proper water and feed intake will ensure optimum utilization of starter feeds resulting in vigorous growth. The mortalities at 5 to 10 days of age are generally due to starvation once the nutrients of the yolk sac are exhausted and if sufficient starter feed consumption has not occurred. 
Water Intake

Water Supplementation

We see increasing use of water supplements intended to aid chicks during the early brooder period. These include probiotics, acidification, prebiotics, essential oils, vinegar, butyric acid, copper sulfate, electrolytes and vitamins. What is critical is to provide the correct enrichment that matches the needs of these chicks at start. A preferred supplement is one that provides components to a) stimulate water intake, b) enhance rehydration, c) supply proper probiotics and d) provide nutritional support to the immune system. An example of a product that addresses these needs very well is an acidified vitamin/electrolyte/probiotic supplement (in-VIGOR-ate®). Proper supplementation results in stimulating vigorous growth and reducing mortalities.  

The beneficial impact of in-VIGOR-ate® supplementation was demonstrated with turkey poults. A commercial farm compared first week performance in 2 paired brooder barns. Each had approximately 10,600 poults. During the first 7 days post-placement one barn did not use any water additive while the second barn administered in-VIGOR-ate® daily. At the end of the first week, the barn with in-VIGOR-ate® supplementation recorded a higher level of livability (Figure 2).

It is important to remember that movement from the brooder to the flight pens creates an additional stress on the birds. It disrupts water and feed intake which in turn can lead to gut bacterial enteritis issues. To reduce the impact of this movement stress, supplementing water with acidification and probiotics will be helpful.
Mortality Rate

Figure 2. Mortality rate of turkey poults at day 7.

Water Management After Brooding

  • It is critical to continue to provide an adequate supply of clean, fresh water throughout the grow-out period to assure desired performance and health. These management factors include –
  • Test water for minerals. High levels of certain minerals will reduce water intake.
  • Test water for bacterial contamination. High levels of coliforms can create continual health issues.
  • Routinely sanitize water lines to prevent growth of bacterial pathogens in water lines and drinkers.
  • Determine sufficient flow rate and volume.


Water intake is vital to bird livability and performance. The most critical period for stimulating water intake is during the first 2 weeks after placement in the brooder house. Chicks need to drink water within the first 4 hours to combat dehydration. And water intake will stimulate necessary feed intake to assure that sufficient nutrients are utilized to prevent starvation and mortalities through the first 10 days of age. Reducing early mortality is directly correlated to reduced late mortality, so more live valuable birds will be available for sale.

 Need probiotics?
in-VIGOR-ate® them!

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